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Social Compliance Policies

Our social compliance policy encompasses the standards we have established based on our core principles and values, as a signatory and supporter of the United Nations Global Compact. We prioritize stakeholder satisfaction in creating these standards.

As Askon Iron and Steel Industry and Trade Inc., we commit to not only enhancing the quality of our products and services but also fulfilling our legal obligations comprehensively, taking responsibility in all dimensions of sustainability, respecting and being transparent to all our stakeholders.


Fair Wages

No payment is made below the legally prescribed wage in our company. In our wage management, internal balance is maintained through the principles of "equal pay for equal work" and "performance-based remuneration."


Occupational Health and Safety

With the motto "our most valuable resource is our people," our company is committed to creating a healthy and safe working environment for everyone present in the factory premises, including employees, interns, or visitors, by taking necessary precautions.


Prevention of Debt Repayment through Labor

Work in our company is based on voluntarism. No one can be forced, obliged by contract, or coerced through the threat of punishment to work in exchange for debt.


Prevention of Bribery and Corruption - Ethical Business Conduct

Our company stands against all forms of bribery and corruption. It does not engage in any form of bribery, including but not limited to promising, offering, giving, or accepting bribes, commissions, whether involving fraud, embezzlement, or any other form of inducement, now or in the future.


Prevention of Discrimination and Harassment

All employees in our company have equal rights and freedoms without discrimination based on age, belief and worship style, race, language, color, sexual orientation, disability, or any other differences. Any form of discrimination and harassment by internal or external individuals affiliated with the company is not tolerated.


Working Hours

Working hours and overtime in our company are applied in accordance with the laws, and our employees are not deprived of their legal rights regarding rest and holidays.


Prevention of Child and Young Labor

Our company is against employing child labor and aims to prevent child exploitation, supporting their healthy development and education. It operates in accordance with the principles and rules regarding child and young labor.


Prevention of Informal Labor

No personnel can be employed without insurance in our company. Employees are hired based on documented contracts in accordance with existing laws and regulations, and their insurance registrations are completed before starting work.


Employment of Foreign Nationals

The legal rights of foreign national employees are protected in our company, and all personnel processes, from recruitment to separation, are carried out in compliance with the current legal regulations and directives.


Environmental Protection

Our company adopts an approach that considers the sustainability of natural resources, the environment, and the needs of future generations. It focuses on combating climate crisis, zero waste, and waste reduction to implement better practices today and in the future.


Supplier Management

While placing sustainability at the core of our business practices, we also emphasize that our suppliers, subcontractors, and collaborators operate in the same manner.


Submission of Wishes, Complaints, and Suggestions

No employee in our company can be penalized for submitting wishes and complaints. All notifications, whether anonymous or named, are taken into account, evaluated, and feedback is provided to create a happy working environment for employees.


Stakeholder Communication and Transparency

Our company commits to building relationships with its stakeholders based on goodwill. We treat all stakeholders fairly and equitably, considering ethical business conduct.


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Sustainability Management

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Corporate Sustainability

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis interdum scelerisque sapien, et feugiat orci blandit sit amet. Morbi vehicula, dolor quis imperdiet auctor, sapien arcu faucibus lacus, condimentum commodo libero ipsum id nisi. Pellentesque varius nisi erat, et fermentum neque ullamcorper non. Donec placerat dui in nibh cursus egestas. Nullam varius commodo ex in facilisis. Donec et iaculis mi, et auctor elit. Vestibulum ultricies nisl non justo imperdiet facilisis. Vestibulum eleifend augue ante. Donec consectetur tempus ante, vel volutpat nulla dignissim ac.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis interdum scelerisque sapien, et feugiat orci blandit sit amet. Morbi vehicula, dolor quis imperdiet auctor, sapien arcu faucibus lacus, condimentum commodo libero ipsum id nisi. Pellentesque varius nisi erat, et fermentum neque ullamcorper non. Donec placerat dui in nibh cursus egestas. Nullam varius commodo ex in facilisis. Donec et iaculis mi, et auctor elit. Vestibulum ultricies nisl non justo imperdiet facilisis. Vestibulum eleifend augue ante. Donec consectetur tempus ante, vel volutpat nulla dignissim ac.

Sustainability Reports

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis interdum scelerisque sapien, et feugiat orci blandit sit amet. Morbi vehicula, dolor quis imperdiet auctor, sapien arcu faucibus lacus, condimentum commodo libero ipsum id nisi. Pellentesque varius nisi erat, et fermentum neque ullamcorper non. Donec placerat dui in nibh cursus egestas. Nullam varius commodo ex in facilisis. Donec et iaculis mi, et auctor elit. Vestibulum ultricies nisl non justo imperdiet facilisis. Vestibulum eleifend augue ante. Donec consectetur tempus ante, vel volutpat nulla dignissim ac.

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